Learn strategies for managing aging parents’ care while raising financially responsible kids. Get practical tips about legal planning, family discussions, and teaching money values.
Heather Fortner and Nicole Casperson discuss how harnessing community can help women leaders combat inequalities, improve their well-being and impact lasting change.
Tony Welch, Chief Investment Officer at SignatureFD, presents an overview of some economic and market data we believe is worth paying attention to, identifying what data may be most impactful to help you sort through the abundance of information available.
The CEO of SignatureFD discusses the importance of understanding people’s motivations, the evolution of a firm’s messaging and why inclusion is key to a positive culture.
Teaching children about money and finances can be an essential life skill to set them on the path to financial success. Parents typically play a crucial role in this process, as they are often the first educators on the subject.
“What’s my legacy?” Many adults have likely asked themselves this question at some point. It can be rewarding to know we’ve left some imprint on the people around us, so they can continue making a difference in the world when we’re gone.
If you’re running a small business, you might feel the pressure of uncertainty in our current economy. Click to read SignatureFD’s article on the topic by Matt Barber.
When Heather Robertson Fortner became CEO of SignatureFD in 2020, she quickly identified a path to long-term independence in a fast-consolidating industry. “By some back-of-the-napkin math, I knew that if we grew 20% year over year, by the end of 2025 we could be a $10 billion company,” says the North Carolina native. “That feels like legacy.”
While it may seem like a far-off reality, legacy planning for the business you’ve worked hard to build is an essential ingredient in running a successful business for the long haul. Here are some of the key questions to consider when creating your buy-sell agreement.
The process of elder care planning can feel overwhelming without guidance from experts in the field who have your best interest in mind. Tune in to hear from the best and learn what documents should be in place, what Medicare covers, how to manage care options, and how to begin end-of-life planning.