“What lights you up?” At SignatureFD, we anchor everything we do in NET WORTHWHILE® – because we know wealth isn’t just money, it’s the culmination of everything that makes life worthwhile, including a fearless pursuit of our passions. And, we’ve found that a person’s passions can be pursued in a variety of ways, as well as evolve over the years.
We recently interviewed Summer Mulder on SignatureFD’s podcast, Net Worthwhile. Summer is the co-founder of The Draw Shop, a blogger, and host of the podcast Everything Always – a podcast that dives into the intricacies of blended family life. Summer’s passions have changed throughout her life, but one thing remains constant – a belief that when you pursue your passions without fear, great things happen.
She shares: “It’s when you have that feeling of ‘that’s too uncomfortable or too scary for me to do,’ you should be doing it. There’s so much pressure for people to find their passion, but your passion doesn’t necessarily have to be your career.”
Summer says her company – The Draw Shop – fulfilled her passion for storytelling, but she was fearful of pursuing being an entrepreneur because of her fear of math/numbers.
“Now, I love numbers! I love measuring and tracking things. I’m so fascinated by it,” she continued. Now, being part of a blended family, Summer also has a passion for sharing entertaining and helpful tips on how to navigate some of the challenges that come with bringing two families together.
Our passions evolve as we grow, and it’s natural to have more than one. Not all passions have to lead to a career shift or a complete change in your day-to-day life. It could simply mean taking a dance class after work or a painting class on the weekends.
So, what fulfills you and brings you joy? Explore the possibilities by answering the questions below.
- What were my passions as a child?
- If I had no obligations or time constraints, what would I do with my time?
- What interesting and exciting things would I like to explore and experience at this stage in my life?
- What do I enjoy, even if I’m not necessarily good at it?
Remember, your passions can be one or many, changing or constant, a career, or just “dabbling.” Pursuing your passions helps make your days fulfilling and worthwhile, and helps bring your true wealth to life.
To hear Summer’s full podcast, click here. If you want to learn how to align your wealth with your passions, reach out.